Title: Complicated Chapter: 2 Rating: R for sexytimes Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Pairing: Mark and Teddy. Some Callie/Arizona. Disclaimer: None of it belongs to me. Summary: Takes place after 7x21. onlywordsnow wanted me to write this so I am. I'm sure there will be a chapter 2. Its all up to what she wants me to write.
Title: Complicated Chapter: 1 Rating: PG-13/Rish Fandom: Grey's Anatomy Pairing: Mark and Teddy. Some Callie/Arizona. Disclaimer: None of it belongs to me. Summary: Takes place after 7x21. onlywordsnow wanted me to write this so I am. I'm sure there will be a chapter 2. Its all up to what she wants me to write.
I'm a week late lol. I haven't gotten the 7x07 caps yet but I'll icon those when I do. There aren't many for this ep - a lot of movement and just not a good ep for iconing.